Revolutionizing Skiathos Health Services
Skiathos Emergency constantly improves the offered health services on the island.
We know that good health services lead to a better quality of life.
Skiathos Emergency covers all medical emergencies on Skiathos Island 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our dominant wish is to be able to cover the needs of both the island’s population and the island’s seasonal visitors, with medical services of high standards. The clinic collaborates with Doctors specializing in various fields of medicine as well as with the dentists, the physiotherapist, the pediatrician, the orthopedic, who already operate in Skiathos island.
Our radiologic and cardiological departments are always available to cover all emergencies.
Skiathos Emergency
Skiathos Island Polyclinic
At Skiathos Emergency, we take a holistic view on health care. Our board-certified internal medicine doctors can help with everything from allergies and annual physicals to chronic pain management and severe illnesses.
Skiathos Town (Ring Road) 50m. from Bus Stop #3, Opposite Super Market Sklavenitis
Tel. +30 24270 22111 | +30 24270 22115
Medical Services
General Practice
The Practice is equipped with an electrocardiographic Edan, an Taema Osiris Inhaler, Monitor Guardian Siemens and GE, Oxygen Concentrator Philips, Medical Oxygen, Gima. Suction, Laryngoscope-otoscope-ophthalmoscope wall Hienne 200. General Medicine is a medical specialty which can meet the needs of many disciplines within the Primary Health Care.
Cardiology Department
The Department is equipped with a General Electric echocardiographer, a Mortara Fatigue Test, a Mortara pressure and heart rhythm Holter, a cardiology Beam mobil, a Mortara ECG and a Hewlett Packard CodeMaster defibrillator.
Two prominent cardiologists are responsible for all cardiac clinical examinations, cardiac ultrasounds, stress tests, as well as for the blood pressure and heart rate Holter monitoring.
Radiology Department
It is equipped with CT Scan Siemens Somatom Sensation of 16 sections, Carestream CS 8100 digital orthopantograph to cover dentists and orthodontists, a modern Siemens Polydoros 3D Multix X-Ray machine with digital detector and Carestream printer, 2 M5 Ultrasounds with Convex, Linear, and transvaginal head as well as a General Electric F6 with all heads.
The department performs all body radiographs, all abdomen, breast, thyroid, prostate ultrasounds, as well as Triplex of carotid arteries, arteries and veins of the upper and lower extremities.
Gynaecology Department
Two gynecologists perform all routine tests such as clinical pelvic exam, Pap-test, uterine and ovarian paramitrion ultrasound, as well as breast palpation and ultrasound.
Philips Digital Mammogram
Our cutting edge digital mammogram MicroDose Spectral Imaging has been design specifically to provide a no stress mammography experience as it minimizes scattered radiology without sacrificing the quality of the mammography. Out of all imaging protocols, it ensures the lowest dose(less than 50% of the dose of other digital mammography).
Microbiology Department
The department is equipped with Sysmex Hematology Analyzer, A25 BioSystems Biochemical Analyzers and FujiFilm DRI-Chem, Biomerieux Bidas Hormonal Analyzer, Carl Zeiss Microscopes, Hettich Centrifuges, Memmert Water Bath, Hereus Mema, etc.
All hematological, biochemical and hormonal examinations, as well as all types of cultures are performed by a Microbiologist and Biochemist.
Urology Department
Physical urological examination, urinary and genital tract ultrasound, urinary cystoscopy etc. are performed at the Department.
Dermatology Department
The Department offers the following services: physical dermatological examination, removal of warts and various skin cysts, hair removal Laser, etc.
Endocrinology Department
An Endocrinologist performs ultrasounds and clinical visits by appointment.
Neurology Department
A Neurologist makes clinical visits by appointment.
Gastroenterology Department
The department performs gastroscopies and colonoscopies with a digital Fujinon Fujifilm machine by a specialist gastroenterologist by appointment.
Covid-19 Department
Due to the pandemic, a separate Covid room was created at the Skiathos polyclinic for the examination of cases and for their control with a separate entrance to the Polyclinic, so that patients do not come into contact with the rest of the polyclinic. PCR Tests are performed by 4 iPonatic Molecular Diagnostic Systems as well as rapid tests (Abbott).
High Tech Ambulance
Skiathos Emergency Polyclinic offers a latest generation, fully equipped Volkswagen T5 Ambulance that is ready to transfer and deal with all urgent and routine incidents.